Does your filter need replacing?
Nothing is more important for your Softub's water quality than your filter system.
Like changing the motor oil in your car, you want to make sure that you change the filter in your Softub regularly, at least every 8 months.
Why? A dirty and clogged or worn-out filter won't trap any contaminants. And a dirty filter can put a strain on your Softub pump. Replacing a pump is much more expensive than regular filter changes.
It's a small price to pay to have a well-maintained hot tub, with clean water that everyone can enjoy.
Filter: $50 + hst |
We've Moved!
New Location
Unit #4
215 Terence Matthews Cr.
Kanata, ON, K2M 1X5
(see map)
phone# (613) 591-6363

There are numerous benefits to owning a portable hot tub:
1. Therapeutic
Hot water therapy is one of the oldest forms of relaxation known to humanity so relieve stiff muscles and aching joints in your Softub. The soothing of strained muscles and increased blood flow make a soak in the Softub a must for occasional athletes and overachieving home improvers alike.
Powerful, adjustable hydrojets are strategically places to deliver warm, massaging streams of water. Optional therapeutic jets for increased water action and relief are available.
Warm water helps to ease the ache, reduce swelling, relax the muscles and increase your freedom of movement. The soothing relief extends to other musculoskeletal problems too. Get all the benefits of a good massage - in the privacy of your own home.
2. Simple to set up
No plumbing, expensive site preparation or special installation required. Just add water and plug into a standard 110V outlet.
3. Completely portable
Bring it with you. A Softub can be moved by one person. Use inside or out -- and in any season. It's perfect on a deck or patio, in a home or apartment, even at the cottage or on a houseboat. Lightweight design enables you to go almost anywhere with your Softub.
4. Luxury you can afford
Sensible indulgence! Our patented heat recovery system produces hot water via the pump motor. This eliminates the need for an expensive heating element. A Softub 300 located outside in -15°C average daily temperatures can maintain water at 40°C for less than $20.00 per month (based on $.08/kwh).
Escape into a tranquil environment for intimate conversations - the perfect refuge from daily distractions or after a tough day. It's also the perfect way to pamper yourself, one of the few activities that can be fully appreciated alone. Ahh, the silence, the soothing and nurturing effect of hot water. Truly a healthy indulgence!
5. Comfortable and safe
Softubs feature barrier-free seating and a soft, cushioned interior and exterior. There are no hard slippery surfaces and its low profile allows for easy entry and exit. Plus there's a cord-mounted Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) for electrical safety.
6. Durable and extremely weather resistant
Lightweight, remarkably strong tub walls are constructed using out patented Polybond™ technology. Plumbing is contained and protected within the tub walls. All components are covered with tough, marine grade Leathertex™ vinyl specifically designed for outdoor use in any climate.
The interior of the Softub is made from Polybond foam. Originally developed for insulating cpace capsules, the material is characterize by its excellent thermal properties and light weight. Polybond also offers structural stability but remains soft, cushioned comfort in sitting and lounging positions across the tub.
The outer casing of the Softub is made of LeatherTex, a material sourced from premium yacht construction and also noted for its great durability and weather resistance. It easily withstands UV radiation, scorching summer sun and harsh winters. The elegant leather look also adds a touch of style to any room, deck or garden.
7. Five year limited warranty
Softub is warranted free of defects in materials and workmanship for five full years from date of purchase. See Owner's Manual for complete details.
Proudly Made in Canada
